It fell at a steady rate until about 3:00 p.m. So I thought I'd drive down and get the mail. If I could get out, the kids and I could get out of the house and do something useful, like go get dog license tags.
I made it halfway down the driveway and got stuck in the hayfield when I slid round the corner and hit a snow drift higher than the hood on my Durango.
So I had to wait until Todd got home to dig us out. But now we have piles of snow that are anywhere from waist high to 6 foot high lining the driveway.

The fence is 5 foot high - and it's up to the fence at this corner of the drive.
If I stand on the other side of this pile, it is over my head by a good couple feet (and I'm 5'6").
Tyler can stand under the branches on this tree normally - it's like this the whole way down the drive.
I did think about walking back up to the house and getting my camera, but was to tired after walking back up the drive to think about walking down it, taking the picture and then going back to the house. Guess that will teach me that I should always have a camera with me:)
The kids are back in school today (HOOORRAY!) - they were bickering constantly yesterday. I did get lots of cleaning and sewing done yesterday, so that was a good thing.
Although I hear we are supposed to get another 12 inches this weekend - let's hope that the person I heard that from is wrong!
Fabulous pictures of the snow. I'm glad you weren't hurt when your car got stuck.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Now that is a lot of snow...I can't even imagine!
Wow you did get lots of snow. We don't have near as much as you do.
Ugh! Snow, snow, snow. Are you as sick of it as I am? Even Aden was complaining about it yesterday!! :)
You did get a lot of snow! Stay warm and hopefully it will warm up soon!
Wow, more snow? We've had a lot of snow this year! I like the way winter looks, but not how it feels. lol!
All that snow is so pretty! I bet in spring you have a lot of green. We are very dry in my part of Texas with mostly mild weather in the winter time. I sure miss living where the snow is. When I was young we lived in Missouri and during snow days we would play outside until we froze and then come inside and stand near the wood burning stove to thaw.
i heard that we are having yesterday all over again on monday. i can't take it!! lol. there is nowhere else to put the snow. no more i say. lol. hang in there. if you're ever stuck in town here, holler and maybe we can be of some help. take care.
I hope you get our 12...we supposed to get away pretty easy on the next round!
wow you did get a pike of snow. We got a bit but no where near as much as you. Its snowing right now as we speak, which wasn't forecast!!!
Roll on Spring,
Gill in Canada
Stay safe and warm. I can't wait for spring.
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