She hasn't broken them yet. But.....this is what I caught them doing yesterday when they were outside:
I know, I should have gotten the video from the other side so you could see the steps they were "sledding" down, but.....I didn't want to encourage them!
I'm going today to buy a gigantic roll of bubble wrap. Jessie will be wrapped in it 24/7 from now until she turns 21. Then her health insurance will be HER concern and not ours!

And Midnight thought he had to go somewhere "safe" to watch them. Although he probably remembers the sled and Tyler trying to take him sledding down the small hill behind our house....
Have a great day! I am SO GLAD they are back in school!!!
What awesome, fun pics and video. Oh my. Those children of yours. Maybe wee accidents are a small price to pay for their youth, Light, energy and sense of adventure. Are you sure you didn't want to slide down the steps with them?! :D
The snow is still falling. YIPPEE!
Ana :)
That is awesome! We used to wrap up in a sleeping bag-both my brother and I in one bag- and slide (roll) down the stairs at our house, giggling all the way. You have to love the invincibility of children!:)
At what point do we gain a fear of pain and injury? Looks like they are having fun! It would take a shot of courage in a glass before I'd try that now!
They are having such a great time. It would be a shame to stop them, that's their memories to tell their children.
My children used to slide down the stairs on a tray in the absence of snow.
The broken bones came later, horse riding and snow boarding. Luckily we don't have to pay health insurance. It's all in our tax and national insurance, that's quite enough!
Well, she was holding on.
What a wonderful video
Blackmail material for her later years when she has children of her own.
Wow, you have brave children. I'm sure they were having a blast. We bought 9 acres and 5 acres of our property is a mountain but we haven't had enough snow to sled down it because of the desert bushes sticking up. I was kind of looking forward to sledding on it.
Maybe next year or maybe we will get more snow. Have a good day!!
I love the kitty on the pole!
They weren't going down THAT fast. I remember going much faster when I was her age ;)
It was nice to have mine back in school as well. Not as many dirty dishes when I got home.
It's moments like this makes me grateful gemma is a stay in the chair and read a book type of child. I don't think my nerves would hold up over Jesse type.LOL
Love and hugs Gina xxx
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