And NO, this time it's not me!!!
Today was a busy day. Todd was bringing home an industrial sized snow blower to clear our lane - and a county snow plow truck ran him into the ditch. Todd says it's a good thing actually that the driver didn't stop - he (Todd) was hopping mad! So we had to call another farm neighbor to bring his backhoe to get the tractor and snowblower back on the road.

Todd blew out the driveway with the industrial sized snow blower:

Actual video to come when my computer cooperates!
This is how wide our driveway/lane is at the moment. I think I have plenty of room to make it up to the house without getting stuck in a drift for now:

Jessie cheered between the JV & Varsity games, and she actually knew the cheers and did them correctly! She amazes me how every single year she gets better and better.

Again, video to come when my computer cooperates!

Then at 11:00 p.m. the neighbor's wife called. Her husband has both their blazer and their truck stuck in the ditch just down the road. Or maybe it was two blazers and a truck. Or both trucks and their blazer. Anyhow, she wondered if Todd could come help him get out of the ditch. So Todd loaded up his truck with chains and tow straps, and off he went to see if he could unstick him. No pictures from this escapade. It's too cold for me out there, although I did tell Todd if he needed anything, to call me. Hopefully he won't:)
We came home from the basketball game at 9:00, and there were people in the ditch all over the place. Our road is barely passable - not quite a full lane to get through. At least it is warming up some - it's 29 degrees right now.
We came home from the basketball game at 9:00, and there were people in the ditch all over the place. Our road is barely passable - not quite a full lane to get through. At least it is warming up some - it's 29 degrees right now.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
29 degrees is still so cold. I hope you all stay safe and warm. Your little cheerleader is cute as a button.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr that is cold ! Hope the snow stops falling soon for you all !!
Sending you don't get stuck thoughts from a cold but not snowy UK !
Never having lived in a place that snows, I have a romantic view of snow. From reading your recent posts, I can see the challenges it brings. Hope your driveway stays clear and you don't get stuck again anytime soon!
Fabulous picture of the snowblower.
We never have enough snow to have seen one of those in action for real.
Mind you it's due to snow tomorrow and it should be quite a covering.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I love it, neighbor helping neighbor! If your neighbor, the one taking you to court, calls for help, will you go? :)
I hope all made it home safely.
I've tagged you for a meme. If you want to play along, stop by to see what it is.
we are hoping for a break from this never ending snow! Our laneway looks very similar to yours.
Think spring, Kris!!! :)
I hope it warms up for you soon! At least your driveway is nice and wide now!
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