Thanks for all the funny and kind comments. Jessie breezed through 2 of the practice papers tonight once I explained (about 3 or 4 times) just how to do these impossible problems. So that is something. We'll see if she remembers how to do the problems tomorrow night.
I finished another doll quilt and little pillow and pillow case over this last weekend - Sunday to be exact. These are so quick and a great way to practice a new quilting technique - they aren't very big at all. And when I am in the mood for an instant gratification project (which seems to be happening a LOT lately), these fit the bill. This one just might be my favoritist one yet.

And I have a good friend who just had a baby girl. So I quick whipped up this diaper bag and stopped today to buy the towel and washcloth. Tonight I will turn the towel and washcloth into a hooded towel and send this present on it's way tomorrow. What an inexpensive present for a new baby - and it will look fantastic once I am done with it. Yes, the towels are not exactly girly colors, but believe me, these hooded towels last for years, and if their next child is a boy, it can be used again. Tyler still uses his hooded towel that I made him when he was 1 for every shower (and he is almost 6 now).

It's been freezing again here today - 10 degrees at noon. And we are in with a nice toasty fire going. Todd is at a fire (house fire - I hope everyone is allright and got out of the house on time) so the kids and I are sitting down to eat dinner, play a little Wii and wait for daddy.
Your little doll quilt to so cute!
How do you make the hooded towel?
So, so cute, Kris! It looks like a real, big bed quilt and pillow case for the colors, the fabric. Too much! And I would never have thought of making a hooded towel with a regular towel and washcloth. How totally functional and durable is that? Definitely grows with a child well beyond just the first couple of years. Very cool!
Good thoughts for all involved in the house fire. Stay warm & safe!
Ana :)
I used to quilt before I had so many kiddos, lol! Now I sew little girls clothing I see you have an etsy shop too, I will have to take a peek. I love your quilts...oh and I think your chicken pic at the beginning of your blog is great! Gotta love chickens...
I am with you on the Math!! Hunter is only 6 and sometimes I get confused on what they want them to do!!!
You sure have been busy lately!!!
The doll quilt is so cute. I love the fabric you used! I am planning some of these this year for my niece for Christmas next year. Trying to plan ahead!
How did you make the hooded towel? It sounds like a great idea.:)
I love the quilt! The fabric is lovely!
And I would love a tutorial on how to make the hooded towel. I MUST learn how to sew this year. I would love to make these. Super cute!
The hooded towel top does sound like a great idea.
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