Challenge: 4th picture folder, 4th picture.
Oh - at least this is a cute one. I have some really, really horrible pictures on my computer. Guess this will teach me to clean out my photos.
This was in the summer of 2007 - at the fire department summer picnic. Lots of good food, good friends and good fun. After eating, we played softball, the kids played in the creek that runs through the park, and the firefighters had a water barrell fight.
Hotter than heck, but oh so much fun!
And now I pick Gill, Warren, Angie, and whoever else wants to play along.
And I received this from LuAnn:

Thank you!! And I pick for this one anyone who follows, reads or has commented on this little old space.
Thanks LuAnn!
My photos aren't even in folders. How scary is that? I really should organize them.
I just love your rooster photos.
I think my photos also need sorting out - but with the age of digital pics I have far tooooo many to sit and sort them out !
I need to print som photos out ... off to ponder that thought LOL !
Vanessa PS - that is indeed a cute picture!
Really cute picture of the wee ones playing softball. And the picnic looks like a total BLAST! What a fun memory, the very thing I liked about this challenge.
And congrats on the Butterfly Award. I think most of us who share your space would totally agree with LuAnn...coolest, indeed!
Ana :)
What a fun challenge!! Thanks for thinking of me! :)
I like your header picture with the chickens in the snow!
Oh Oh, I am game...I will post mine tomorrow...with a slight variation!
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