To make a Valentine's Day table runner????
I brought this pattern a while ago, and my favorite quilt shop in Ashland had these pink/red/cream fat halves - so I thought I'd do a runner for my Mom and I today. I guess if I can get 2 of them done right away, there is still time to get it to her.

The kids are off school, I'm off work, our court hearing was canceled due to weather so life is good. I did try to run down to work this morning at 7:30 a.m. to grab some stuff so I could work from home, but when it took me 20 min. to drive the mile and a half to the end of our road, the kids and I turned around and came home.
Last night Todd was at fire practice, so I worked on this applique:

I decided I had better pin everything in place before sewing it all down to make sure it would fit. So far so good - just a few more flowers to cut out.

I shoveled the deck this morning, and it already has 2-3" of snow on it again. I think that will be an all day affair (shoveling the deck and steps off!) Stay warm everyone!
Oh my there's so much snow. Your photos are really pretty like Christmas cards.
Best of luck with the Valentine Day runner.
Enjoy your snow day!!!
We've just got the rain and fog....ugh!
Good luck with the table runner! Stay warm and comfy inside today as well. It looks cold outside!
Enjoy your snow day. Your applique is awesome. Hope you can get the tablerunners done by Valentine's day. I'm sure you will.
You don't even have to get it to me - I'll come and get it. I am really liking the applique!!
I think you are getting more snow than we are. I like the applique as well. Will you frame it or use it for something else?
Have a great day!!
It's not yet February 1st so I say you're way early for Valentine's Day. Can't wait to see the table runners. Should be fun working in those pinks and reds.
Enjoy the good day, snowbound, and may the sun come out tomorrow!
I am so impressed with your applique. I am just a beginner at all of this sewing so I love looking at everyones work. Great snow pictures. We just have rain here in Ga.
Cool applique, do you have one of those cricket impressions or did you do this all yourself? What talent! I'm a newbie at quilting, but, admire them so!
Stay warm,
Looks lovely snowy here too!
Snow days sound like fun! Cab't wait to see your table runner.
Oh I am so jealous of the snow and your snow day. I was just thinking the other day I need to find something to make for Valentines Day but never thought of a table runner. I was almost thinking of making Valentine pillow cases but a table runner sounds like more fun. I can't wait to see your finished.
I can't wait to see your finished runner. With four daughters, we tend to love the pink and red all year round!
I can't wait to see your finished runner. With four daughters, we tend to love the pink and red all year round!
never too late! i hate to say it, but i'm jealous of all your snow.
Look after yourself and yours the USA has made it onto our news this morning about the snow / cold !
Watched a car slip into some cold water !!!
Loving your applique !
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