No fun pictures today. It's too darned cold. Whoo Hooo - we are up to a whopping 6 degrees. This picture is what our road looked like on my drive home last night. Before an Amish buggy sent me into the ditch. Which I was able to drive right out of because it was more of a depression on the side of the road and I do have 4 wheel drive and I'm not afraid to use it (put it in 4 wheel drive and GO is my moto now), but I felt bad for the amish man - that horse was all over the road.
The weigh-in for Jessie's 2 4-H steers is Saturday. They are doing it at the local livestock auction barn. We don't want to take her steers in there and have them get sick. So I go to the vet's office yesterday to pick up a nasalgen (sp???) pneumonia vaccine. We are out in the barn last night at 8:00 catching all 4 steers in the pen (because I certainly wouldn't want Jessie's steers to give it to the other boy's steer or the steer we are going to eat) and spray this vaccine up their noses.
Wake up this morning to -3 degrees farenheit. The kids don't have school, I had to seriously force myself to get into work (we have meetings here all day or I would have stayed home - I could have worked from home easy) and I'm checking the weather frequently.
Then Todd just calls me - better plan on geting more of the nasalgen vaccine. What hte heck for???? We vaccinated the 4 steers - we should be good to go. Well, if they cancel the weigh in due to the weather, we'll have to re-vaccinate them again right before the next weigh in. The vaccine is only good for 5 days......
I haven't done any sewing, the last couple days, between chores, homework and everything freezing outside (frost free hydrants included), there has been no time.....
Hopefully this weekend we will have the weigh in, and then I can hole up in the house and sew. And sew. And sew some more.
Oh my goodness, Kris. I don't know how you can really function...at home, work, farm, children's activities...in such frigid weather. 4 wheel drive rules! And hope the weigh in does go through, if all of you are up for it, that you have one to-do off the list and you can cuddle up to fun stuff like your sewing!
A safe journey to and fro these cold days!
Ana :)
You live near the Amish? How exciting! Do you ever go into their dry good stores? We once drove through an Amish community but it was on New Years day and all the stores were closed except for a café; we had the most wonderful meal.
It's extremely cold here too. -39C this morning. Have fun sewing.
Brrrrr chilly indeed - it is cold here too but no snow ... I hope you get to sew soon !!!
Thankns for popping in to visit my blog - it gets kinda lonely here now that hubby has gone back to Africa (for work !)
I do admire you - and your family - you work so hard, and still find time for quilting !!!
Vanessa - who is BAD at house work and would rather sew than vacuum !!
How on earth do you cope driving in those conditions. I wouldn't know where to start.
Glad all was OK after your little incident with the buggy.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
It is so cold, I don't like it. I want Spring to get here.
Glad to hear you are safe and, hopefully, warm. It is COLD here as well. No school yesterday and they've already called it off for tomorrow. It means they will be going into June but at -22F this morning and predicted near -20 for tomorrow- I'm OK with that. I still had to get to work but made V give me a ride. Even I'm not crazy enough to walk in temps that cold.
Our high for the day was -6F! BRRR
it's terribly cold here too...i haven't been able to get warm today. even fudge wants to stay inside. hope they don't cancel the weigh in!
I hope the weigh in goes on as planned! Stay warm and be careful driving, too!
We are built to HIBERNATE! I am cure of it! Come on spring!
I am also sure of it!
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