Not a whole lot noteworthy going on's 41 degrees right now - I washed about 50 pounds of road crud off my Durango after work. Somehow I always feel a whole lot better when the Durango is clean.....does that make sense? Of course, I didn't think and was out there in my work clothes (at least it wasn't the skirt I was thinking of wearing to work - it was dress pants).
Back when I joined the WISP challenge, I made myself a deal. If I finished my projects for the month (and I even made a list of which projects I wanted to do which months), I would let myself start something new.

I saw this wall haning on a blog right after January 1. I am embarrased to say, I don't remember which blog. If it was any of yours, thank you for posting the picture. I ordered the pattern, it arrived last week, so I've been cutting applique pieces out and hand stitching them to the background. I can probably count on 1 hand how many applique projects I have done over the last 15 years.......and on 1 finger how many I appliqued by hand and not machine. I still have to applique the top and the handles of the jug, the rest of the flowers, and the stems of the flowers. But I couldn't wait to I appliqued down just the bottom of the jug. And maybe I'm supposed to put the top together before appliqueing, but.....the top will be easy....the applique is what is hard for me.

But this one I want to applique by hand. And I may quilt it by hand....we shall see.
We lost a rooster this week. I don't know if they were fighting, but this Rhode Island Red roo had looked sickly from day 1. I of course went out there and found him, and had to freak out a little when I tripped over him and he didn't move.... Todd and Tyler had a good laugh about that.
Apparently 1 more cold snap tomorrow, and then we should be on the upside of temperatures. But for now, I'm going out to enjoy the warmth. Without the 50 layers of carharts and flannel shirts I've been wearing......
Enjoy the sun - I sure plan too!
I think I'd lose my mind and patience over applique. I'd better stick to the hourglass for now! :)
Awwwww. Sorry about the rooster. I imagine all the animals are family and losing one is still sad. Tripping over his poor body would be even worse! MEN!
Enjoy the warm weather and here's to Spring, which is right around the corner.
Ana :)
Oooh applique is something else for me. Although I love appliqued quilts, I don't enjoy doing one. Enjoy the warm weather. It's turned cold here again with high windchills. I so want spring.
hi kris,
so sorry about your poor rooster, how sad!
enjoy your applique. it's one of my fave things to do. can't wait to see the finished product.
julie x
I like to hand applique. yours looks good so far. keep show the progress, I would love to see it. Sorry about mr rooster. :o(
I always feel like my cars runs better when its clean. lol!
I love to'd think I'd do it more often. Ha! I love the wall hanging. Very nice!
Good plan to have a carrot after the stick.......
Glad to hear you are thawing a bit.
What a great wall hanging.
sorry about the rooster
Love and hugs Gina xxx
So sorry about your rooster. We have had some chicken tragedies this year too... feeling your pain.
But on a maybe related note, I find hand applique to be very good meditative work. Yours is looking lovely!
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