Yes, I disappeared for a few days, didn't I?
But we've been busy. You may remember this summer my rant about our neighbor who is sueing us. Because he doesn't like that we bale hay, we have some cows and have a tractor. Well, Friday, we had to let his lawyer ask us the most INSANE questions ever known to man. And he asks me the questions about the farm equipment, the hay, the cows......But I think he came away looking like a moron so....alls well that ends well. For the time being anyhow.

The Saturday a.m. was the steer weigh in for 4-H. I should have taken more pictures but....I had my hands full. We sold 1 steer to a friends' step-son. And he is taking a dairy steer too. And Jessie has 2 steers. So we get to the weigh in with 4 calves in our stock trailer, and were greeted by this:

And the parking lot and drive were a sheet of ice. Waited in the heat of the truck (or the heat of the diner in the auction barn). When it comes our turn, they didn't waste any time. As Oreo was coming off the trailer - Todd hands me his halter rope and says "here take him in - I'll get the crazy one." Oreo has not been walked since last summer....but he walked along beside me calm as could be (thank the Lord for small blessings!) Todd got a broken toe from psycho red calf when he bounced on his foot.
So Jessie and Mason are planning on showing their 2 steers sometime in early March at a steer show in Wooster. Which will be fun and a good learning experience. Jessie so badly wanted to lead Oreo at the weigh in on Saturday, but I wasn't sure that I could stop him if he got it in his head to misbehave, never mind worrying about where she would be. We also had Oreo's feet trimmed (just like trimming your fingernails) as it gets painful for them to walk when their hooves get long:

Then it was home to run into work for an hour, clean up the house and cook dinner. Add in church this morning, and more cleaning (can you tell I've been letting the housework slide a little) and I'm tired.
And I've felt uneasy for a while. Nothing concrete hear more and more people who can't make ends meet, our neighbors had to sell his truck for scrap metal to make their mortgage payment for this month, and I think that is why I feel so.....uneasy. Fortunately for Todd and I, we both have pretty good job security (Todd has enough senority after just 4 years at his job, and with me being the only secretary in the office, we are both as safe as can be). But this afternoon I started cleaning closets. We are having the mother of all yard sales this spring and whatever does NOT sell, I'm donating to Goodwill or somewhere similar. I hope things turn around - by no means have we escaped unscathed, all has to end sometime, doesn't it???
See you around!
You have been busy. I hope your jobs are secure. It's so sad to hear all that is going on and yet I firmly believe this isn't over by a long shot. Hope your yard sale goes well too.
Oh how cute, I love your calves. My husband used to raise calves on a bottle and they would follow him around like he was their mama; even when they were grown cows!
I hear you! I feel fortunate that my hubby has a government job and that there is part time seasonal work in the apple packing sheds coming up. But its scary. On the plus side I feel that good can come out of this recession in the ways of more simple living and less consumerism. Of course this doesnt help if you are already doing that and I know being a farmers girl myself how frugal and inventive farmers are to get by. ALso I suppose just cos I want a simpler life doesnt mean that others do!
love Cherrry
These are definitely some crazy times my dear. In this day and age, its a blessing to be somewhat resourceful people. I know when the hurricane hit the Texas coast, people were starving because they didn't know how to feed themselves outside of driving through a drive thru or going to the store and buying Mrs. Baird's.
We should count our blessings every single day. There is so much to be thankful for and prayerful about.
Have a great week.
Love the calf photos.
these are uncertain times my dear and it sems, over here anyway, no job is totally safe. Mal'sjob is under threat and we don't know whether he'll have a job come March. We just have to wait and see and get on with life in the meantime.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Trust me, Kris, these are difficult times. But, one day at a time. You're grounded. You've a good family. You can get through anything that could happen, but it doesn't have to. Blessings, indeed, for health and love, shelter and food.
You HAVE been busy! The weigh-in sounds like something I would definitely have wanted to see and experience with you guys. I don't know. I, for one, would totally not mind having pastures, hay, steers and a friendly family as my neighbor. Those depositions STINK! Glad it's over and done for you!
Ana :)
I am glad everything seemed to go well with the lawyers. I wouldn't mind a farm next door to me! You had an extremely busy weekend too! :)
Reminded me of being a little girl on our little farm. I still live rural, just no animals but a dog and cat.
Don't you have a zoning ordinance that states Sight, sound and smell for farms? Crazy you have to go through this!
Have a good day.
Hope everything continues to work well for you.
I'm a leader of a 4-H club (a community club, doing primarily crafts and such). My summers get real busy with meetings and working with kids outside of the meetings.
Good luck with everything.
I'm sorry you're going through this with the neighbors and lawyers Kris! I hope it all gets worked out soon.
As for the economic times....I'm extremely nervous as well. Eric works for a car dealership after all. At least, for the time being, business seems to be picking up. There for awhile it was painfully slow.
I'm with you on the mother of all garage sales!! :)
I hear you on the uneasy part...We are pretty stable but who really knows what is coming? I don't think we are headed for Depression II but I often wonder if people during Depression I thought recovery was around the corner...sorry to brighten your day...just goes to show though, that we all ought to watch what we're doing!
hey kris. wanted to pop over and let you know that there is a save a lot in ashland on center street across from home hardware. if you're in town anyway, it might be handy for you. take care.
yep it's all over. We have a Chrysler plant in our city, and I can see a lot of changes, if that plant doesn't close it will be a miracle.........luckily it doesn't affect us.
Dh is the longest serving employee at his work, so it will have to be real bad if he loses his job...
Gill in Canada
yes it will all come out right in the end, we just have to hang in there and have faith. Glad you didn't get trampled by the cow!!
i know, it is an unr=easy time for so many people. sorry you have not been feeling quite right. sounds like you are super busy!
the cows are so cute! hang in there!
Hi looks as though we have a lot in common. I, too, love to quilt and we are in the process of becoming self much as possible...on our farm. Howdy from a PA neighbor!!
How on earth do you make your own laundry soap? Gotta-know. That could save millions (exageration somewhat) right there! Please share someday.
Thanks for stopping by!
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